One of the biggest things standing between each of us and the amazing potential we have is a rhino-strength aversion to sucking. Being a beginner can be hard on the ego.
Part of creating your Ripple Legacy is living more fully into that potential. So many of us are living lives of untapped gifts and untold stories. The question is, how do we open the door to them so both we and the world around us can benefit?
Ira Glass offers some valuable thoughts here on the importance of just allowing yourself to suck, and keeping at it despite the mounting piles of suckitude.
Ira Glass on Storytelling from David Shiyang Liu on Vimeo.
He’s talking specifically about creative endeavors here, but really that applies to anything we do in our lives.
Have a dream? Have a vision? You’re never going to get it off the ground without taking those first tentative, clumsy, suck-filled steps.
And it’s that very fact that limits most people. They try, and their ego says, “Screw it! Let’s do something we’re good at.” And yet another door to their potential slams shut.
If you want to bring the fullness of what you have to offer to the world, forget that. Let yourself suck! Remind yourself that the path to living into your full potential winds through the wilds of suckitude, but it doesn’t stay there.
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